Featured Collection

DIAMANTES LAB-GROW: La Revolución en Joyería de Lujo.
Descubre cómo los diamantes cultivados en laboratorio ofrecen la misma belleza y calidad que los naturales, son ópticamente, químicamente, térmicamente y físicamente idénticos a los diamantes de mina
Perfectos para Joyería Fina de Lujo.
NUEVA COLECCION - Diamantes de Laboratorio
Our jewelry
Silver .925, stone and pearl
We have silver jewelry in combination with river pearl and different types of stone.
Made of necklaces in stainless steel materials, silver and silver with 14K gold rolling with semiprecious stones
14K golden laminate
Do not be afraid that you lose color with moisture or water, our pieces are elaborated with rolling which guarantees that your color and brightness will remain.